Building Linked List Class

Building Linked List Class

Creation of Custom Linked List & Node Class

In order to build a linked list class, you'll typically define a structure or a class to represent the nodes of the linked list. Each node should contain two essential members:

  1. Value: The actual data or value that the node holds.

  2. Address (Pointer to the Next Node): A reference or pointer to the next node in the linked list.

Building Node class

// Node class represents a single node in the linked list
public class Node {

    int data;   /*Data or value held by the node*/
    Node next;  /*Reference to the next node in the linked list*/

    /* Constructor to initialize a node with a given value */
    public Node(int data) { = data; = null; /*By default, the next node is set to null*/

Building Linked List Class

  • Develop a separate linked List class to manage the overall structure of the linked list.

  • Include a reference to the head node and a variable to keep track of the list size.

public class linkedList {
  Node head;   /*Stores the first node of the linked list*/
  int size;    /*Stores the length of the linked list*/

  public  void insertNode(int data)

  public void getLength()

  public  void display()

  public Node deleteNode(Node head, int position)


Building Main class

  • Create a Main class to serve as the entry point of the program.

  • Construct a Main class and create instance of linkedList class in order to perform all the operations.

class Main{
    public static void main(String args[])
        linkedList list = new linkedList();
        perform operations : insertion, deletion, etc..

In the upcoming post, we will embark on an in-depth exploration of various operations and their functional implementations within the realm of linked lists.

To gain a comprehensive understanding, I encourage you to refer to our previous post, "'RoadMap to Mastering Linked List"

For continued insights and a comprehensive journey through the intricacies of linked lists, make sure to follow the entire linked list series

" Series on Mastering Linked List DataStructure : Linking the Dots"

Stay tuned for a detailed examination of each operation, shedding light on their inner workings and practical applications.